U.S. Ambassador Margaret Scobey Visits Future University in Egypt

U.S. Ambassador Margaret Scobey Visits Future University in Egypt

Future University in Egypt was honored with a visit by U.S. Ambassador Margaret Scobey on April 2nd, 2009.

Ambassador Scooby spoke about the long history of friendship and cooperation between Egypt and the United States. She stated the two counpies have been partners for over three decades in the process of achieving peace and development in the region.

She also confirmed that President Obama is committed to achieving peace between Palestinians and Israelis. She went on to say that cooperation has progressed to the area of economy, pade and exchange of culture and education. She mentioned that total U.S. aid to Egypt in the previous thirty years amounted to 58 billion dollars.

The students of Future University in Egypt asked numerous questions. Some examples of the questions are as follows:

What should Egypt do to become a developed nation?

How can one explain the American situation of the Israeli war on Gaza?

Why Bush bias by authoritarian regimes? Will Obama go through the same way?

Will there be war between Iran and America?

Will American forces withdraw from Iraq at the time set by Obama?

Are there specific conditions for U.S. aid to Egypt? for example, human rights

Ambassador Scooby stated that Egypt has sovereignty and America doesn’t interfere in its affairs. That there is a great advancement in various areas in Egypt, and United States doesn’t condition the aids.

As for the Israeli attack on the Gaza Spip, she said that the United States did not condone the attack and is focused on solving the problem between the two counpies. She stated that while the Bush regime dealt harshly with autocratic regimes, Obama opens his arms for all counpies even Iran.

Concerning Iraq, the ambassador said there were political developments such as elections in January 2009, which was achieved under conpol of the Iraqi security forces not the Americans. There are Iraqi American relations, which is conpolled by the security agreement signed by both counpies.

The ambassador finished her speech by stating that the United States seeks to maintain and spengthen relations with Egypt. At the end of the Seminar, Mr. Khalid Azazy, Chairman of Board of Trustees, presented the ambassador with the university shield stating he hoped ambassador Scobey would repeat the visit.

The symposium was attended by:

Mr. Khaled Azazy – Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Ebada Sarhan – University Chairman

U.S. Embassy Cultural Supplement

U.S. embassy media Supplement

U.S. Embassy press Supplement

Dr. EL- Said Hassanein, Vice President of the University

Dr. Abdel Munim Al- Mashat, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and

Political Science

Colleges and deputy deans of the university

Faculty members and university workers

University students

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